Looking for the best Diabetes Doctor in Gurgaon?
Diabetes is a set of diseases that involve hormone insulin complications. The pancreas (an organ behind the stomach)usually releases insulin to help the body preserve and use the sugar and fat from the food you eat.Diabetes may occur when very little or no insulin is released by the pancreas, or when the body is not reacting to insulin properly. General Physician in Gurgaon
Phone: +91–9267944184
EMAIL: contact@drilasamarclinic.com
Address: Ila Samar Clinic B/F 08, First Floor, Element One, South City 02, Sec 49, Gurgaon
Website: https://drilasamarclinic.com/
Source link: https://physiciangurgaondoctor.blogspot.com/2020/02/looking-for-best-diabetes-doctor-in.html
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